четверг, 28 сентября 2017 г.

Дополнительная альтернативная классификация кукол Tonner / Wilde Imagination

По книгам, фильмам, сериалам и т.д.: 

Avatar, Bewitched, Big Bang Theory, Chicago, A Christmas Story, Chronicles of Narnia, Clash of the Titans, Davy Crockett, Dr. Seuss, Doctor Who, Dreamgirls, Firefly, Get Smart, Golden Compass, Gone With the Wind, Hardy Boys, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Janet Lennon, Jonah Hex, Jupiter Ascending, Lord of the Rings, Mary Poppins, Memoirs of a Geisha, Memphis, Miss Piggy, Nancy Drew, Pirates of the Caribbean, Prince of Persia, Princess Diaries, Tim Burton, Torchwood, Tron, Twilight, Vampire Diaries, Warm Bodies, White Christmas, Willy Wonka, Zombie Boy

По сказкам, комиксам, и т.д.

Alice in Wonderland, Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland, Agnes Dreary, Cinderella, Disney Showcase, Effanbee Classics, Captain Action, DC Stars, Dick Tracy, Friday Foster, Ghosts of Christmas, Lara Croft, Fairytales, Luna and the Martians, Marvel Universe, Mrs. Claus, Re-Imagination, Sinister Circus, The Gift, The Snow Queen

Отдельные конвенционные (и не только) тематические серии кукол

Grand Ice-cream Social (2014 Tonner "It's About Time" Convention)
Great Gatsby Series (2013 "Age of Innocence" Tonner Convention)
Ladies Series / "Карусельные леди" (2013 "Age of Innocence" Tonner Convention)
Let Them Eat The Cake
Paris Fashion Doll Festival (Парижские конвенции, за все года)
Party All Night Collection (2011 Modern Doll Collector Convention)
The Birds / Flights of Fancy
Tyler's Wedding
Young New York Luncheon Collection (2011 Tonner Doll Company 20th Anniversary "Pure Imagination" Convention)

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